5 Reasons Why You Must Follow a Skincare Routine

Keeping up with the fast-paced modern urban lifestyle can be exhausting. Although maintaining a work-life balance seems simple in theory, it is difficult to manage consistently in reality. And in the course of achieving your goals, skincare often fades into the background.

Whether you are a college student swotting for exams or an adult trying to make it big, there is a skincare regime for all age groups and skin types. The routine you follow today, will have lasting benefits, i.e. your skin will remain healthy and beautiful even after 30 years.

In case you are not convinced yet, we have five reasons why you must follow a skincare routine.

Beautiful Skin Requires Perseverance

Needless to say, achieving a youthful and glowing skin takes time. You need to be consistent in pampering your skin, and thus yourself by giving it all the nourishment it needs. And this is exactly why you need to have a routine.

However, every person’s skin is different, and so should every individual’s skincare routine be. Perseverance and patience are the two important P’s of healthy skin. To begin with, implement a basic skincare routine, where you ensure your skin receives all nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Hyaluronic Acid, etc. Hence, you could go for a face wash and a moisturiser that are enriched with these wonderful ingredients.

We Shed Dead Skin Daily

Maybe your skin looks flawless at the moment, and thus you have chosen to disregard the long-term benefits of a skincare routine. But did you know, your body gets rid of the topmost layer (dead skin cells), every day? So, the naturally glowing skin will eventually shed off. And if you do not want to lose it to dull and chapped skin, you need to take good care of it. Including sheet masks and face serums into your regime can keep your skin hydrated.

Look and Feel Younger

Even though ageing is inevitable, everyone prays for younger-looking skin. Did you know, you could delay the visible signs of ageing? Yes. Ingredients like tea tree, rosehip, green tea, carrot seed, honey, etc. can help you keep wrinkles, dark spots, laugh lines, and other signs at bay. So, you don’t need to start using anti-ageing products at a very young age, but you can surely go for ones that contain the aforementioned ingredients.

For example, if you are battling with severe breakouts, right now, your products are going to be enriched with tea tree or aloe vera. And guess what? Both work towards adding a youthful glow as well. Or if you go for products that are suitable for dry skin, they will most probably have honey or glycerin infused in them, which again have anti-ageing properties.

Your Skin is as Important as Any Other Organ

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and is responsible for guarding you against damage from things like heat and pollution. Moisturisers act as a barrier between your skin and such elements. A night regime, which involves cleansing and toning can help you get rid of dirt, oil, and pollution, accumulated through the day. Hence, both a day-time and night-time skincare routine are a must if you want to flaunt flawless-looking skin.

Prevention is Always a Better Plan

Taking good care of your skin will save you from various skin conditions like pigmentation, acne scars, deep wrinkles, etc., which means you save yourself from daunting trips to a dermatologist.

Lastly, something that works for your friend might not work for you. Maybe your best friend has oily skin, and maybe your skin is dry. Thus, you cannot use a product just because your friend is using it. At Viviana Mall, we have a range of skincare brands that offer diverse products for each skin type. So, visit us and give your skin the care it deserves from popular stores like The Body Shop, Forest Essentials, Health & Glow, etc.