Viviana XRCVC Resource Centre

Viviana Mall is a proud supporter of the cause of the people who see differently. It is the India’s first and only visually impaired friendly mall. In its endeavour to empower them, Viviana has established a fully functional resource centre in association with XRCVC on 27th June, 2015. With Dr. Sam Taraporevala at its helm, […]

Viviana Mall, PANKH Join Hands to Create Job Opportunities for PWDs in the Retail sector

After launching a resource centre for visually impaired, this will be the second center for persons with disabilities, and a first for any mall in the country. Partnered with ‘PANKH’ to create job opportunities for persons with disabilities in the retail sector. 36 persons with disabilities have already enrolled on the day of the inauguration. […]

Viviana Mall, PANKH join hands to create job opportunities

Being a leading retail destination mall in Mumbai, we have associated with ‘PANKH’- Wings of Destiny (a joint initiative of TRRAIN and Youth4Jobs Foundation) to begin a training centre, which will work towards shaping careers of Persons with Disabilities (PwD’s) within the premises of our mall. Known as India’s first and only visually-impaired-friendly mall, we […]