Safety Measures to Follow While Visiting Viviana Mall Post Lockdown

The COVID-19 wave has brought our lives to a standstill. It’s been over 110 days, and we have not walked out of a mall with tonnes of shopping bags and a wide smile.  

However, staying home is the need of the hour. Instead of subsiding, the situation has been escalating into an invincible hazard to health. Returning to the old norm, where we travelled to work on weekdays, and chilled at The Irish House on weekends, seem far-fetched, with no end to the lockdown in sight. However, that doesn’t stop us from looking forward to it.

So, here we are, already prepped-up to greet you all in our shopping mall with complete hygiene and zeal. We have already illustrated how the mall is ensuring safety and hygiene to keep COVID-19 at bay. Now, here are a few things we want you to follow when the mall reopens, so you are in perfect health.

1.  Cover Up with a Mask

Since March 2020, the pandemic has started controlling our day-to-day lives. We step out of our homes only for purchasing essential goods and in case of medical emergencies. And when we do, we adhere to the WHO’s guideline that urges everyone to wear a mask while going outdoors. And thus, we request you all to continue wearing the mask even if the government permits us to walk out and socialise.

2. Pay Using Digital Payment Methods

The RBI and WHO have advised us all to minimise the usage of cash. Hence, when you visit us to shop and enjoy, we would recommend you to make all transactions via GPay, Chip Cards, or UPI.

3. Maintain a Safe Distance

Social distancing is the most important preventive measure. Apart from the person accompanying you, keep a minimum of 6-feet distance from everyone else. We will be doing all the necessary checks at the entrance, but your safety is your responsibility too. If you feel a store or a spot is crowded and maintaining a safe distance is not possible, avoid entering that place.

4. Sanitise Regularly

We have placed hand sanitisers at multiple spots, in stores as well as in the lobby. Make use of them and avoid touching your face with uncleansed hands. Although we are disinfecting every nook and corner of the mall, we advise you to sanitise your hands every time you touch a surface.

What are We Doing to Ensure You are Safe?

At Viviana Mall, we are ensuring hygiene and social distancing (via movement stickers) at every area of our shopping centre. We will be sanitising all surfaces regularly to ensure the place is virus-free. We have installed a sanitisation tunnel, so when customers visit us, they can shop buoyantly. Every billing counter is fully-equipped to accept digital payments because that’s the safest way to make a transaction amid this prevailing circumstance. Furthermore, we have made thermal scanning and oximeter-check mandatory, so our customers are sure that their fellow shoppers are in the pink of health.

To know more about the safety measures taken by us, read our blog: Here’s Why Viviana Mall is Safe for You Against COVID-19.

Our current situation has a fix, but is unknown to us at the moment. And until we find it, it is imperative for us to act wisely while venturing out. We, at Viviana Mall, will be back, and when we are, it will be with a bang.